This Is How I Kill Time at Airports

You turn up to the airport with plenty of time before your flight boards, only to discover, to your horror, that your flight has been delayed by several hours! Going home or back to your hotel isn’t really an option,…

Redoing My YouTube Intro: Process Video

It’s been a while since I last uploaded on YouTube. But as you guys are reading my blog more and more, I feel compelled to make travel content in different formats so you guys can immerse in something other than…

How To: Street Photography in Black & White

Successful black and white street photography is not just about losing the colour, however: you need to learn to think and see in black & white, taking account of texture, contrast, and, of course, the crucial interplay of light and…

How To: Long Exposure

So Magnus, what exactly is Long Exposure Photography? I keep getting this question, and since we’re doing a series on shooting techniques, I’ll try my best to answer your question. As the name indicates, it’s a photographic style that involves using long…

New Street Photography Gear

Quick update on the Canon. The camera store said she’s gone 🙁 That camera and I went through so much together. We tried to climb the Indonesian vocalnoes together . . . I asked for a replacement, but the store…